Pauli Murray Scholars
Timothy Beltran del Rio
Timothy Beltran del Rio is a Mexican-American seminarian from the Diocese of Chicago. A “No sabo” kid, he was raised in rural West Michigan before moving to Chicago in 2015 to pursue a B.A. in Theology at Moody BibleInstitute. He was received into The Episcopal Church at the Great Vigil of Easter of 2018, and worked for Episcopal Charities in Chicago as their OperationsManager before being
nominated for postulancy by St. James Cathedral in 2023. Timothy and his husband, Daniel Oljaca, relocated toAustin, TX in August of 2023 in pursuit of Timothy’s MDiv at Seminary of the Southwest.
Debora K. Brown
Debora is currently a postulant in t h e E p i s c o p a l D i o c e s e o f Pennsylvania. She is in her second year in pursuing a Master of Divinity at the Seminary of the Southwest in Austin, Texas. Debora is enrolled in the Latinx Concentration as part of her theological studies at the Seminary. Deborarecently completed Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) at Ascension Seton in Austin.
In addition to Debora’s 22+ years’ experience in the field of child welfare, Debora has been recognized for her expert and distinguishedwork as a social worker by receiving The Children’s Crusader Award from the City of Philadelphia. Combined with her professional career, Debora has been active in her community and parish as a lay leader, speaker, teacher, prayer warrior and Eucharist Minister.
Debora earned her Bachelor of Social Work from Temple University and her Master of Social Work from the University of Pennsylvania.
Scott Madison
I am Scott Madison, currently a middler at Seminary of the Southwest pursuing my MDiv degree and am also in the Latinx Concentration. After graduation, I hope to work in parish ministry, focusing on building systems andstr uctur es th a t a llo ws a congregation to focus on the work of doing ministr y they are passionate about. Prior to seminary, I held many layleadership positions in my sending parish of St. James',
Austin. This summer, I will have the opportunity to represent the Diocese of Texas as a lay deputy to theGeneral Convention for the second time. My husband Chris and I both grew up in the Washington, DC area and moved to Austin in 2004. We enjoy watching sports and trying new restaurants, and have two large dogs, anEnglish mastiff Remus and a bull mastiff Rosco.
Peter Mading Meyr
Peter Mading Meyr was born in Sudan and baptized in the Anglican Communion in the Province of Sudan. In 2001 he had to move to Egypt due to the Civil War. Later, he was ordained as a lay leader at the All Saints Cathedralin Cairo. In 2006, he migrated to the United States and served in various positions at St. John the Divine Episcopal Church in Moorhead, Minnesota,until 2022. In Fall 2022, he and his family relocated to Austin to attend the Seminary of the Southwest.
Timothy Swan
The Reverend Tim Swan was ordained to the priesthood on December 9,2023, in the Diocese of West Texas (DWTX). Tim became acandidate for Holy Orders, following his completion of the DWTX IONA Collaborative (a Locally Trained initiative) in June 2023. Tim is currently pursuing a Diploma in Anglican Studies at the Seminar y of theSouthwest (SSW).
Tim and his wife, Suzanne Swan (Suzy), have beenmarried for twenty-one years and have two children, Samantha (18) and Mackenzie (16). Suzy is the Chief Financial Officer at an HCA Healthcare facility in Central Texas. Samantha is a freshmen student- athlete, playing softball, atArizona State University and Mackenzie is a sophomore in High School. Tim is currently serving as a Seminarian/Assistant Priest at St Stephen’s Episcopal Church, Wimberley, TX.
Cruz Torres Razo
Cruz Torres Razo is currently a first year student pursuing his Master's in Divinity at the Episcopal Theological Seminary of the Southwest. Hewas born and raised in Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico. Before coming to the United States seven years ago, Cruz earned his Bachelor's degree in Business Administration from the Universidad del Valle de Mexico andworked at the Supreme Court of Justice in Mexico City.
Like thousands of migrants from Latin America, he and his family came to the United States in search of better opportunities. In Brownsville, Cruz served as Program Director for Good Samaritan Community Services, a nonprofit whose primary mission is supporting youth, individuals, and familiesby providing community services to overcome economic poverty.